Our primary focus lies in establishing communication with farmers to ensure mutual benefits. This approach not only delivers cost-effective and high-quality products to end-users but also eliminates adulteration by prioritizing meticulous care at the source. Additionally, it contributes to enhancing farmers’ lifestyles through the promotion of ethical work practices.
Technical Assistance to our Farmers’ Groups
After establishing communication, we extend technical assistance to farmers to support the healthy and prosperous growth of raw materials. Our experts actively engage in fieldwork, meticulously observing every detail to ensure optimal outcomes. They possess comprehensive knowledge of organic farming practices and parameters, encompassing both technology and methodology.
Crop Production & Harvest
The primary objective of organic production is to cultivate sustainable enterprises that coexist harmoniously with the environment. In organic farming, crops and livestock are raised using methods that exclude the use of pesticides, fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, antibiotics, and growth hormones.
In the absence of external substances altering the nutritional composition of organic spices, antioxidants tend to exert a more significant impact when derived from organic sources compared to conventional ones. The initial stages involve cleaning and drying the spices. We utilize the Buhler cleaning and color sorting plant to aid in this process. Subsequently, the spices undergo grinding and grading to achieve the precise powdered form.